Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.
M. L. King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)



My oldest sister, Colleen, got married today.

I couldn't be happier for her, for her new husband, and all the people that they are going to touch throughout their lives.

Colleen Hawks is an amazing women. Her Maid of Honor, my sister Laura, had asked me to help her with her toast, so we spent a couple of minutes early today going over what she had written. We talked about her talents, like an amazing sense of direction, being able to change a flat, and being pretty bad ass in general, and that was fun.

But was also had a chance to talk about her qualities, those things that she inherently embodies, the things that Laura and I look up to Colleen for. And what we were most captured by was her infinite capacity for love and compassion.

Everything I learned about treating people well, I learned from her.

Everything I learned about staying positive, I learned from her.

Everything I learned showing respect, and treating people with compassion, Colleen taught me.

Colleen Catherine Hollan, I hope to one day love the way you do, to work the way you do, and to live out your passions the way you do, but thank you for at least showing me how its done.

I'm so proud to be your brother.

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